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Flatiron School Review

Flatiron School’s coding Bootcamp offers immersive on-campus and online bootcamps in software engineering, product design, data science, and cybersecurity. In addition to this, Flatiron School’s market-aligned curricula are career-focused, with a strong emphasis on training students to work in their chosen field upon graduating. The programs employ a variety of learning methods like project-based work, teamwork, and pair programming.

After graduation, students have weekly one-on-one meetings with a career coach to do mock interviews and work on their resumes. Flatiron School is committed to making its programs accessible to underrepresented populations in tech. They offer scholarships to groups including women and veterans. The Access Scholarship awards more than 500 students who have experienced hurdles to education in the past.

The bootcamp is located in NYC, Washington DC, Houston, Austin, Seattle, Chicago, Denver, and Online. Because of COVID-19, programs are currently being held in a virtual campus format. Curious when Flatiron School’s campus will open? Read about our campus experience for return-to-campus updates.

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Cybersecurity badge - Top 10 Coding Bootcamps

Flatiron Courses

Flatiron School offers a variety of courses. See them below.

Flatiron Coding Bootcamp (Online)

Course Description:

Flatiron’s Coding Bootcamp lasts for 40 weeks, and it is available online. The students will dive into the fundamentals of programming, and learn to design webpages using HTML, CSS and Javascript. The second part of the bootcamp includes learning Ruby basics and object-oriented programming. The curriculum also includes learning SQL and Object Relational Mappers. The last part of the bootcamps focuses on implementing the knowledge gained, which means creating a project from scratch. The students will be guided by instructors and will receive feedback in order to improve their skills.


Full Stack, Front-End, Back-End, HTML, CSS; SQL, Javascript


Full Stack Developer, Front-End Developer, Back-End Developer




  1. Apply
  2. Interview
  3. Assessment
  4. Prework
  5. Enroll

Data Science Bootcamp

Course Description:

Data Science Bootcamp starts with learning basic Python and an introduction to using Python libraries. Organizing data structures, retrieving data from SQL, and sorting and exporting data are only a part of what the course covers.
The next part of the Bootcamp focuses on scientific computing. The students will learn about statistical distributions, sampling, creating A/B experiments, etc.
Like the previous one, this Bootcamp has the final task – working on a project. Students will learn to implement the knowledge gained and use it in the fruture.


Data Analysis, Python, SQL, Git, Web Scraping, Machine Learning, Big Data


Data Analyst, Data Scientist


Online, Denver, New York, Colorado Springs


  1. Apply
  2. Interview
  3. Assessment
  4. Prework
  5. Enroll

Data Science Bootcamp (Part Time)

Course Description:

Data Science Part-Time Bootcamp Curriculum is the same as the full-time one. The only difference is duration, which is 40 weeks in this case. Also, this course is available online and has a more flexible curriculum.The next part of the Bootcamp focuses on scientific computing. The students will learn about statistical distributions, sampling, creating A/B experiments, etc.
Like the previous one, this Bootcamp has the final task – working on a project. Students will learn to implement the knowledge gained and use it in the fruture.


Data Analysis, Python, SQL, Git, Web Scraping, Machine Learning, Big Data


Data Analyst, Data Scientist


Online, Denver, New York, Colorado Springs


  1. Apply
  2. Interview
  3. Assessment
  4. Prework
  5. Enroll

Cyber Security Bootcamp

Course Description:

Flatiron Cyber Security Bootcamp is available both online and In Person. In case you are interested in protecting data from getting stolen, leaked, or hacked, this course might be the right option for you. The students will learn about Network Security, Cryptohraphy, Python, Logs & Detection, etc.
The last phase of the bootcamp focuses on the practical knowledge. Like the previous one, this Bootcamp has the final task – working on a project. Students will learn to implement the knowledge gained and use it in the fruture.


Network Security, Penetration Testing, Cryptography, Threat Intelligence, Python


Security Analyst, Engineer Cybersecurity Engineer, Network Security Engineer


Online, Denver, New York, Colorado Springs


  1. Apply
  2. Interview
  3. Assessment
  4. Prework
  5. Enroll

Product Design Bootcamp

Course Description:

Product Design course focuses on UX / UI design for digital products, such as websites or mobile applications. Product Design is a holistic role, one that has ownership over the entire UX and UI process. Coding knowledge is not mandatory, but it is recommended to know the fundamentals. Basics of HTML and CSS are in the course.
Bootcamp lasts for 15 weeks, and it’s available both online and in person. In-person bootcamp is currently available in Denver, New York and Colorado Springs.
The last phase of the bootcamp focuses on the practical knowledge. Like the previous one, this Bootcamp has the final task – working on a project. Students will learn to implement the knowledge gained and use it in the fruture.


User Experience, User Interface, Product Design, Typography, Web Design, Mobile Design


UX Designer, UX Researcher, UX Writer, Interaction Designer, UI Designer, UI Engineer.


Online, Denver, New York, Colorado Springs


  1. Apply
  2. Interview
  3. Assessment
  4. Prework
  5. Enroll

Product Design Bootcamp (Part Time)

Course Description:

Product Design Part-Time Bootcamp is the same as the full-time one. The main difference is in duration – the part-time one lasts for 40 weeks and you will have a more relaxed and flexible curriculum, especially if you are doing a full-time job.


User Experience, User Interface, Product Design, Typography, Web Design, Mobile Design


UX Designer, UX Researcher, UX Writer, Interaction Designer, UI Designer, UI Engineer.


Online, Denver, New York, Colorado Springs


  1. Apply
  2. Interview
  3. Assessment
  4. Prework
  5. Enroll


Flatiron School is dedicated to helping graduates find employment. Flatiron School’s statistics are telling. 78% of graduates included in the 2019 jobs report who completed job search cycles found employment within 6 months of graduating. The average starting salary for job-seeking graduates who accepted full-time salaried positions after graduating is $69K. The average starting salary for students who took the full-time contracts, internships, apprenticeships, or freelance roles and disclosed compensation was $32/hr. The average pay for a part-time role was $26/hr.


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Featured Bootcamps